Black Summer served as a complete zombie entertainment package for the horror fans of the genre. But at the same time fails when it comes to a compelling storyline. With Black Summer Season 2 coming in this June, we are hoping we see more of the darker side in the Black Summer. An in-depth exploration of the characters and story to be told. The new season teases winters and new enemies. But most importantly the pivotal mainstay theme of survival continues. Despite the first season achieving its goal as Rose found her daughter. So let’s break down piece by piece the release date for the Black Summer Season 2, how to watch it, and what it is about?

Black Summer Season 2 Release Date

Black Summer Season 2 is releasing on June 17, 2021. The second season is following the episode pattern of the first season. So a total of 8 episodes will be available to stream altogether on Netflix. To watch the show all you need is a Netflix account. So simply sign up for the OTT space on its official website. Then choose from the three plans Netflix has to offer for its service. The current plans of Netflix include a basic plan, a standard plan, and a premium plan. Netflix’s basic plan comes for around $8.99. The basic service will allow you to stream all the movies and TV shows from the catalog of the OTT platform. You can download and stream on a single device. The standard plan of Netflix comes for around $13.99. Even the Standard plans allow you similar services but with two different devices and HD enabled. The last premium plan comes for around $17.99. The premium plan allows four different devices to stream and downloads content with Ultra-HD enabled.

Black Summer Season 2 Plot

Set years before the events of Syfy’s Z-Nation, Netflix’s Black Summer showed us the beginnings of the apocalypse. Also sharing the spirituality between both shows. The first season of Black Summer saw Rose, a mother looking for her daughter Anna. The show saw Rose taking refugee and joining hands with strangers in a struggle to survive and reunite with her daughter. The first season ended on a good note for the main character. She managed to reunite with her daughter at the stadium. Thus closing one chapter. The surviving members along with Rose and Anna were Sun, Spears, and Rose.

Now the second season of Black Summer sees the survivors keeping themselves alive amidst the winter. They need to find a good shelter if they want to make it through the season or else they are freezing themselves to death. Fighting the flesh-eaters, they find hope when they see a flying craft. Something they see as a ticket to the haven. But the thing here is, to make it alive, Zombies are not the only ones to be worried about. The most dangerous creatures around are the other humans. The trailer targets humans as the biggest threat in the show way more than zombies. Check out the Official Trailer Of Black Summer Season 2 below.

The Cast For Black Summer Season 2

Most of the cast for Black Summer Season 2 is returning for the second installment of the series. Only the surviving members to be more specific. Let’s start with the most obvious one. Jamie King returns to play the main character of Rose who reunited with her daughter Anna in the first season. Joining King is Zoe Marlett who returns to play the role of Rose’s daughter Anna. The supporting characters joining the second season will see Justin Chu Cary as Julius James a.k.a Spears. Joining him will be Christine Lee as Ooh “Sun” Kyungsun. These were the two characters who managed to survive in the first season and now their fate remains to be seen in the coming second season along with our main characters. Also Read: Not So Worth It: Netflix Drops A New Trailer For The Upcoming Sitcom

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