As Mayans M.C. is coming to a closure, Bishop is focused on the reckoning he promised previously. But the other members are also dealing with their own problems. Let it be, EZ and Gaby taking new steps, Angel having a rough time, Nails dealing with pregnancy, and Coco looking forward to cleaning up. Where will this go down? Let’s take a look a what happened previously on the show and what we can expect from the upcoming Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 9

Recap For Mayans M.C. Season 3

Previously on Mayans M.C., we opened up to Coco almost dying of the drug overdoes. But Leticia and Hope manage to save him using a  syringe to reverse the effects of the dose. On the other side of things, we see Nails throwing up in the bathroom until Hank arrives to comfort her. Thus, stating to her, she can trust him. In return for the trust, she reveals the reason she is throwing up is that she is pregnant with Angel’s baby. Nail promises her to help any way she wants. Gaby reveals to EZ about getting into the nursery. As they celebrate, in his own apartment, Angel thinks about his dead son with Adelita. He gets ready for dinner and comes across one of Adelita’s shirts only to throw it away. Elsewhere Miguel is packing up his mother’s room and thanks to Emily for waiting. Coco reveals to Leticia about he and Hope are planning to clean up. Still, it doesn’t matter to Leticia. Hope later apologizes to Leticia, but she is not forgiving. She asks if she will clean up for Coco, and the look is not comforting. Angel arrives for brunch but in quite a bad mood. He questions Gaby about everything relating to starting a family with EZ to wearing their dead mom’s apron. He goes aggressive, leading to a tiff between brothers before leaving. Palo meets El Banquero, offering him a chance to be wealthy, whereas Miguel learns about his mother’s death.

The One King, Miguel’s Investigation and More

Bishop is pissed with Coco’s disappearance and warns Gilly of kicking him out. The guys discuss their mission coming to circle and EZ’s solid plan killing to big names of Stockton. Now once Canche is gone, Bishop will be the only king. Hank, on the other hand, asks his mother to invite Nails for dinner, which she whole-heartedly allows. Palo’s sister and Tazza have a talk on David’s death as well. Miguel continues his investigation for her mother and approaches Maria, the housekeeper. Thus, learning about some dark things about Emily. EZ and Gaby get over EZ’s favorite place and asks her to follow her dreams, and promises to never get shot again. Miguel returns home to make love with Emily, only to be left in tears.

The Ending Moments

Angel feeling lonely, calls Nails and bashes her up too. Nails finally reveals her pregnancy. Palo works out a deal with El Banquero. Elsewhere, EZ and Gaby are ordering ice cream with cops surrounding them. EZ is on a call with Bishop. That’s when two men come to Gaby harassing her. Until EZ steps in and beats one of them, and Gaby tries to stop him. He accidentally attacks her, and cops saw this and arrive to arrest him.

Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 9 Release Date

Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 9 is titled “The House of Death Floats By”. The official synopsis of the episode doesn’t give away much. It states the fact that a new member might be joining the club. Plus, Miguel is furious after learning about Emily’s involvement in his mother’s death. So will be taking drastic measures as well. Furthermore, we will learn more about where the road leads for EZ. The cops arrested him in the final moments of the previous episode. From the promo, it seems he will be released. But will he earn Gaby’s trust again after accidentally raising a hand on her previously? Angel, on the other hand, finds new life with his baby inside Nail. So a new relationship is also blooming. Will all these be obstacles in Santo Parde’s path to become the one sole MC of Mayans. All in Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 9. Also Read: Spoilers & Preview: Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12

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