What games are we going to get on PlayStation Plus?

Shovel knight is going to be a highlight, which is the best pixel art game with its 8-bit style Metroidvania action, which makes it one of the best games out there. We will also get Gravity Rush 2, which is loved by fans. Some of the games from January include Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection and Goat Simulator, which you can enjoy now. The cloud storage has been increased from 10 GB to 100 GB. Now, finally, players will get enough space in the cloud to save the games. Players will get access to some exclusive games each month that will come with discounts and unique full game trials. We will also get to play multi-player games online. It will be interesting to see how this affects PS5 sales in the future. With new games and content every month, fans are going to enjoy their PS Plus games. It is also exciting to think that what games might get out every month. These games will have to perform very well to compete with Microsoft’s Xbox Scarlett console that will be released shortly. Fans cannot wait to get their hands on the games, and the new features make the PS Plus worth owning. Stay tuned to get information on games for the next months.