The series follows the story of wealthy families living in Hera Palace. Their children study at the prestigious  Cheong-ah Arts School. The story typically revolves around Shim Su-ryeon and Oh Yoon-hee. Shim is an elegant wealthy woman with a tragic past. She is the wife of a wealthy businessman, Joo Dan-Tae. However, she learns about her husband’s secrets that may cause a rift in their relationship. Meanwhile, Oh Yoon-hee is a simple girl who comes from a humble family. She goes to Cheong-ah Arts School and is a famous singer there. Later in the series, she gets involved in a love triangle between Ha Yoon-Cheol, a boy whom Cheon Seo-jin also likes. The series follows the characters’ grand ambitions and desires for their children compel them to do anything, so long as it benefits them. However, they have been embroiled together in a crumbling life after the death of a mysterious young woman named Min Seol-ah. She crashes to her death at Hera Palace when a party was held there. The residents try to cover up the fact of her death, only to doubt each other for the murder.

Main Cast and Characters

The story typically follows these three women and their families.

Shim Su-ryeon:

Played by Lee Ji-ah She is a kind and elegant wealthy woman who doesn’t have the arrogance of a typical rich woman. Shim Su-Ryeon lives in a penthouse with her husband and she is the queen of the social clique at Hera Palace. She knows about her husband’s affair with Cheon Seo-jin and is determined to take revenge for her biological daughter Min Seol-ah.

Cheon Seo-jin:

Played by Kim So-yeon Opposite Shim Su-Ryeon, Cheon Seo-jin is a run-of-the-mill showy and arrogant woman. Her desire for money and power is so great that she doesn’t feel guilty to date a married man. She forces her daughter Ha Eun-Byeol to sing well and defeat Oh Yoon-Hee’s daughter Bae Ro-Na. However, Bae Ro-Na sings better than Ha Eun-Byeol, so Cheon Seo-jin gives her daughter a hard time because of that.

Oh Yoon-Hee:

Played by Eugene She is a woman who had to sacrifice her dreams due to her lack of money and power. Bearing with the humiliation, she takes on any job she has to support her daughter’s ambition. Oh Yoon-Hee works hard to move up socially for her daughter’s bright future in Cheong-ah Arts School.

Episode Schedule of  The Penthouse 2: War in Life

Currently, four episodes of the season have been released, with the latest episode being released on 27 February 2021. The series will air eight more episodes. Unlike the first season’s time slot that aired at 22:00 KST on Monday and Tuesday, the second season airs at the same time, but on Friday and Saturday. Here is the episode schedule for the rest of the season. Released Episodes

1st Episode: 19 February 2021 2nd Episode: 20 February 2021 3rd: Episode: 26 February 2021 4th Episode: 27 February 2021

Upcoming Episodes

5th Episode: 5 March 2021 6th Episode: 6 March 2021 7th Episode: 12 March 2021 8th Episode: 13 March 2021 9th Episode: 19 March 2021 10th Episode: 20 March 2021 11th Episode: 26 March 2021 12th Episode: 27 March 2021

Episode 5 Preview

A day after the release of the fourth episode, a preview for the fifth episode was released on YouTube.

Where to Watch?

The series broadcasts only on the South Korean television channel SBS TV. You can stream the show on the official website of SBS for South Korea. Additionally, the show is also available on these streaming websites.

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