The anime series is adapted from the manga Gintama, written and illustrated by Hideaki Soraichi. The production team of this anime consists of big production houses such as Aniplex, TV Tokyo, Dentsu, Trinity Sound, Studio Jack, Miracle Robo, and Shueisha. The anime has been animated at the Sunrise studio. The Gintama anime series comprises 8 TV installments, 4 movies, 5 specials, and 1 OVA series.

Gintama – An Overview

Gintama is set in a historic era. In this era, the world is invaded by aliens that have banned all Samurai. Gintoki Sakata, the protagonist of the show happens to have a true heart of a Samurai. The series follows the life of Gintoki as he surpasses many hilarious situations with his friends, Kaguya and Shinpaichi. Gintama is a series that can trigger all your emotions. While at one moment you could be laughing, Gintama can switch your mood to sadness. Gintama is the kind of anime that has every genre in it. While it is mostly referred to as a comedy anime, Gintama is way more than that. The series also makes many references to Japanese history. It’s amazing how well-fitting all the references are, no matter how subtly they use them.

Gintama: The Final Movie – Release Date

Has the long-running anime finally come to an end? It does seem like it. In the fall of 2020, the final movie of Gintama was announced. Shortly after that, a trailer was released. The trailer hyped the entire fan community as they awaited the last movie with overwhelming emotions. Gintama: The Final Movie was released on 8 January 2021. So far, the movie has only been released in Japan. There has been no announcement on the official website of the anime or the studio regarding its release outside of Japan. It would probably be a while before people overseas can enjoy this movie. However, as per reports, Gintama: The Final Movie is currently the highest-grossing movie of 2021. Click here to check out the trailer of Gintama: The Final Movie. There are high expectations that the fans have from this final movie. The positive reaction that Gintama is getting is even more exciting. It’s a bit disappointing that international fans have to wait longer to watch it. However, all we can do is keep waiting patiently and keep ourselves updated to know when the movie will finally air globally.

Gintama: The Final Movie– Expectations.

So far, the anime has been following the manga quite well. Since the movie is directed under the involvement of the original creator, Hideaki Soraichi, the movie too will follow the manga (most probably). The final movie would probably portray the final chapters in the manga. If this is what happens, the viewers are in for a hell of a ride. Without doubts, there would be rib-tickling moments with some very impressive plot lines. But, the movie will also leave you with a heavy heart and a wetting pillow at the same time. Not much can be predicted from the trailer. The trailer is in itself depicting the girth of comedy that the final film will be carrying. Like every other Gintama project, unpredictable moments will probably be a huge part of it. The trailer introduced “Dōraku Shinjō” as the new insert song. The theme song of the movie will be Wadachi, which will be performed by SPYAIR.

Gintama: The Final Movie – Cast and Characters

The Final Movie has made no changes to their cast. Gintoki will be voiced by Sugita Tomokazu, Shinpaichi Shimura will be voiced by Sakaguchi Daisuke and Kagura will be played by Rie Kugimiya. Other characters that we will be seeing in the final film are Sogo Okita (who is voiced by Kenichi Suzumura), Isao Kondo (having the voice actor Susumu Chiba), and Tama (voiced by Omi Minami). Once again, Gintama has a great cast. The quality of the movie looks quite promising and as a fan, I am definitely looking forward to the global release of the movie.

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