So, Binge it or skip It? White Lines Star Cast – Laura Haddock, Nuno Lopes, Marta Milans White Lines  Creator –  Álex Pina Directors – Nick Hamm, Luis Prieto, Ashley Way, Álvaro Brechner

Synopsis of White LInes

The White Lines is a thriller show that revolves around a woman named Zoe who gets to know that his brother named Axel who was renowned DJ in Ibiza was murdered in cold blood and his body was recovered in someplace in Almeria, the land of the owner of the club in which axel plays his set as a DJ. Now she is on the quest to find the killer of his brother 20 years after the closure of the official investigation by the Spanish Police.

This review may contain some mild spoilers! The first thing about the show that can not be ignored is that the show is Ibiza, show there will be mature content in the series, there are girls topless and much more skin and sex!. so it is advised to watch the series by mature viewers only. The show is well built and the storyline is good but something that lacks is the pacing of the series, is it slowly build on with the viewer as some old thriller films. So at first, you will get annoyed by how the show is going on but after the third episode, you will get hooked and will finish it in course of time as this show can get boring at some points. Zoe is the main protagonist of the show who is in Ibiza to investigate a possible murder of his elder brother, Axel who was a renowned DJ and left his hometown Manchester to follows his dreams to become one of the best DJs out these in Ibiza. But after his Birthday party, he goes missing and his body is recovered from a desert in Almeria and his Employer becomes the prime suspect behind his murder. The series relies largely on partying, Drugs, Sex, Loud Music which sometimes leads the series to derail from its main plot that is a murder mystery.

The Performances Of The Cast

Nuno Lopes gave a standout performance as Boxer, a bouncer in one of the clubs of Mr. Calafat, who was the employer of Axel. He helps Zoe in his investigation and as he aslo wanted to find the real killer of Axel as he was one of his good friends. Laura Haddock as Zoe has given a performance of a lifetime in her role, she and Nuno bind the story, and when the series is getting boring the two of them come together to save the series. Other Actors have done an average job and nobody besides these to will make an impact on your mind. The Spanish cast majorly speaks in Spanish so, it’s better to watch with subs on.

Direction and other aspects of the series

The series is a miss in the pint of direction creator Alex Pina has done a great job in writing the script but the weak direction is a weak point. As per the Cinematography goes, it is brilliant, cinematographer has done a great job in capturing and filming the exotic locations and beaches of Ibiza. There is some yellow and dark tint to the show when that past of Axel is shown to make him going from a simple man from Manchester to the party boy in Ibiza. The Production quality is top-notch as its a Netflix series, so they are known for making shows with good production budget and quality. The episodes are a tad long which is also a weak point, the show can be fast-paced so it would become crisper as at last, it is thriller series.

The Final Verdict

If you like bingeing shows and usually completes them in a day, so this is series is a nay for you. If you are like me who can watch shows which are firstly slow and then gradually grows then this show is watchable for you. SO you decide whether you want to watch it or not. As per my say, you can easily skip this show if you don’t like taking things slowly but if you are calmer then you can watch it. There is nothing in this show which you can compare with Money Heist, as it has been written and created by Alex Pina. He has done a good job of writing it but other aspects are dull. So it’s up to you that you want to spend your valuable time in the series. Rating – 2.5/5 stars 

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